Refreshing the Gippsland Freight Infrastructure Master Plan

The original Gippsland Freight Infrastructure Master Plan was developed in 2013 in response to the growing challenges faced by the region’s freight industry. For a decade, the region’s stakeholders successfully used the plan to help lobby for key transport projects to support the region’s economy.
Leveraging the success of the original plan, RDA Gippsland joined forces with the Committee for Gippsland to develop and deliver a refreshed plan to further advocate for the region’s transport priorities across rail, roads, sea and air. Developing the 2023 Master Plan involved extensive industry and government consultation including a range of targeted discussions, surveys and workshops.
The Master Plan highlights current and emerging freight issues and opportunities as well as barriers to growth and emerging markets. It remains flexible and is designed to be updated at regular intervals to ensure priorities remain relevant. This approach helps mitigate against uncertainty stemming from issues such as climate change, long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and international supply chain issues.
The Plan identified 34 priorities, including 30 infrastructure projects and 4 supporting initiatives across all 6 of Gippsland’s local government areas. The ten highest priorities and 4 supporting initiatives are highlighted below.
Industry’s Highest Priorities
- Traralgon Bypass.
- Warragul-Drouin Arterial Road Network.
- Leongatha Heavy Vehicle Bypass (Stage 2).
- Sale Alternate Truck Route.
- Princes Highway (West of Longwarry) – Major Upgrades and Reinstate 100+km/h speed limit.
- Princes Highway Sale to Bairnsdale Duplication.
- Princes Highway (East of Bairnsdale) – Major Upgrades.
- South Gippsland Highway – Major Upgrades.
- Additional Turnouts and Sidings on the Gippsland Railway Line.
- Third International Airport.
Supporting initiatives
- Developing the Freight Industry and Workforce.
- Improved Partnerships between Freight Industry and Government.
- Local Road Funding and Investment including First and Last Mile.
- Review Road Safety Barrier Guidance with Industry Input.
RDA Gippsland and the Committee for Gippsland launched the 2023 Gippsland Freight Infrastructure Masterplan in April 2023. The Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories, The Hon Kristy McBain MP attended the launch and was presented with a copy of the plan [pictured].
RDA Gippsland and the Committee for Gippsland hope the plan will provide an essential strategic toolkit for working collaboratively with governments, industry and the community to help deliver critical freight infrastructure for the region.
- Gippsland-Freight-Infrastructure-Master-Plan.pdf (
- RDA Gippsland - Regional Development Victoria (
Published 1/04/2023