Ipswich launches innovative jobs programs
The Springfield Regional Jobs Committee is making a positive impact on employment and addressing skills shortages in the region through the roll-out of innovative programs.
RDA Ipswich and West Moreton (RDAIWM) and the Springfield Skills Alliance were the driving force behind the creation of the Springfield Regional Jobs Committee (SRJC). The aim of the SRJC program is to bring together local stakeholders to address employment issues, and to identify and maximise local employment opportunities.
The Committee funded by the Queensland Government, and is auspiced by RDAIWM, continues to deliver innovative and successful projects for the community.
Springfield Jobs Portal
The Springfield Jobs Portal is a comprehensive resource designed to provide a seamless and effective connection between employers and job seekers within the Greater Springfield region. Launched in 2022, springfieldjobs.com.au is a free, user-friendly portal for both employers and job seekers to advertise and search for local employment. The portal also offers educational and course material through the committee’s education partners.
- Between July 2022 – June 2023 the portal received:
- 2,786 registered job seekers
- 59 registered businesses
- total of 103,964 job views across 1,513 listed positions.
- 2022 data from the portal provided valuable local intelligence to stakeholders, including:
- Education, Childcare and Training category had the most jobs listed (227)
- The next largest sectors were Trades and Services (223).
Addressing childcare skills shortages
The SRJC collaborated with Ipswich Community Youth Service and TAFE on the Care to Work initiative. This project focused on addressing an identified skills shortage of childcare workers in the region by providing free TAFE training, including placements with local childcare providers.
The Queensland Government’s Skilling Queenslanders for Work initiative enabled 40 Care to Work participants to complete a TAFE Certificate II in Community Services (Childcare) in 2023.
- In April 2023, the first cohort of 11 participants began a Certificate II course in Community Services (Early Childhood) at Springfield TAFE.
- The SRJC Project Officer supported the engagement of host childcare centres to facilitate work placement opportunities for participants to complete their qualification.
- Business support and engagement has been excellent with the program well received.
- Early indications are positive there will be job outcomes for participants.
Multicultural Jobs Forum
The Springfield Regional Jobs Committee collaborated with Queensland based Multicultural Australia to deliver the first ever Multicultural Jobs Forum in May 2023.
Data from the 2021 Census showed 34.8 per cent of Springfield Lakes Residents were born overseas. While the local employment data reviewed by the SRJC revealed people born overseas were underrepresented in the local jobs market.
The Multicultural Jobs Forum was created to help address the low representation of people born overseas employed across the region. The event was designed to be a relaxed and supportive environment for people with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. It brought together these for job seekers with local employers who were looking for staff.
- 44 persons from 18 different countries attended.
- the Employment Team from Multicultural Australia helped refer people and supported job seekers at the event.
- feedback was positive with more 40 job interviews arranged at the event and 7 job placements offered by the following week
- one attendee starting work at a local hotel the next week.